be inspired, Blessed, Blogger, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, Life, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength



I hope this quote inspires you today. I hope it reminds you that you have been through hell but your still standing. I hope your day is full but nothing but amazing things. Have a wonderful day. 


Ebony Monae😘

African American, Anger, be inspired, Black Women, Blogger, Brave New Voices, Christians, Civil Rights, Extreme Sadness, Faith, Follow Your Heart, Frustration, Have Courage, Inspirational blogger, Life, Political Revolution, Politics, Prejudice, Racism

Deeply Saddened yet Deeply Moved

Good morning guys. Its been a while since I have written. To be honest I have been going some mild depression. I am managing my depression now with the help of my therapist and psychiatrist so I’m on a road to recovery to being my best self I can be, but that will be a story for another day.

Today I want to talk about how shocked I am about what happened on Tuesday. I still am in shock. I am angered by the pure hatred I have seen on social media. On top of that I am overwhelmed by the amount 0f love and support I have also seen.

Tuesday I had to unfriend a few people on my social media accounts. They were people who I knew from my childhood. One thing I learned from Tuesday was that who you thought you knew, you really didn’t know that well after all. On Tuesday I learned that racism, discrimination, misogyny, homophobia were not deal breakers for people. I also saw humanity at its best. 

People have told me that I should just get over it Trump won. People told me that its just four years.  One thing I won’t be is SILENT. One thing I have learned is that Silence = Compliance. I am not silent about the things that matter to me. I won’t stay quiet when racism is running rampant. I have friends and family of different faiths, sexual orientations and creeds. I will fight for them. I will help take downs walls that people have built and if in that four years I have children I will raise them to do the same.

EbonY Monae


I don’t mind differnces of opinions but, I do mind hate. 
