

Powerful words in this blog post.




Like the funny words spoken by the legendary comedian Chris Rock, during his 2004 tour ” Never Scared”, I ain’t scared of Al qaeda, I’m scared of Al Cracka.

What most if not all of the major American news corporations refuse to tell we the American people, is that the biggest threat to the American public, is not a bearded muslim man in a cave somewhere in the middle east, nor is it illegal immigrants or inner-city street crime committed by Miseducated and economically disenfranchised black youths. The biggest threat to a utopian American society is systematic white supremacy. According to an article published by the Atlantic.com on june 25, 2015 ” White supremacists and anti-government radicals are responsible for twice as many deaths in the U.S. as jihadists since 9/11″.


And according to an analysis by New America: the most lethal political violence since September…

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Follow Your Heart, Love, Quotes, Relationship Goals, Words of Wisdom

💗Relationship Goals💗

I think this movie summed up what a relationship is like. A relationship is hard work and you have to consistently work at it. There will be bad days and good days.  If that person is willing to love you and work at that relationship don’t give up Follow Your Heart💜

XoXo EbonyMonae XoXo

Beautiful, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Inner Strength, Love Life, love Yourself, Transformation Tuesday, True Colors

Transformation TO Ebony Monae 

This picture was taking over 7 years ago on my prom night. I was so skinny, but in my mind I was fat. My boobs were literally bigger than my head lol. But the girl in this picture is not the same girl that’s writing this post. The girl in this picture was very lost and in pain. She hid it well with a smile. That came from years of practice. Smiling behind the pain. This girl struggled with body image and low self esteem.

The journey I have embarked on has changed me in ways that I can’t imagine. I can finally say I am in love with who I am. I love the face that looks back in the mirror. I love my skin, my hair, my shape, my size. I love EbonyMonae 💜!  This journey did not happen over night, it took a while for me to get the point where the pain of staying the same was more than then the pain of change. I took that leap and it was the best choice I have ever made. I am not perfect but I AM HAPPY WITH WHO I AM.

I was speaking with someone and explaining it to them about this journey I was embarking on. They had the nerve to say “Do you think your better than me now?” The look and the tongue lashing I gave them was so bad that they have not spoken to me since then. It’s not about being better than anyone its about being a better person than I was yesterday. Life is about change and if your staying the same and not changing I believe you will never grow. That is why I embarked on this journey because I wanted to become a better me.  

This is the newer me. Even my smile is different. Everyday is a challenge but I make the best of it. I am trying to become a person I am proud of. Even if I loose friends along the way I am proud of who I became. 



Love who you are!!!!!!! 

African American, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Inner Strength, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Quotes

I’m Coming For It!!

All my life people made me feel like because I was adopted and my biological mother was on drugs and had her parental rights terminated that I would turn out to be just like her. Always hearing that saying “The apple don’t fall far from the tree.” How I use to hate that statement. It use to bother me something fierce growing up. Still does for that matter. 

I never understood why people thought it’s was okay to tear someone down instead of lifting them up. With my biological mother being that way didn’t mean I was going to be that way. A quote from a favorite poem ” I am her daughter but I am not her choices.” I make my own choices and the burden of her life choices should not be mines to bear. Life has a funny way of proving those type of people wrong. 

But today I stand on my on two feet because of the grace of God. I am drug free, I am a hard worker. I attend school full time while holding down two jobs. 

This post is for the people that made me feel like my dreams didn’t matter. That I was going to be another statistic. Your ignorance drove me to be the person I am today. Everything you said I couldn’t have I am coming for it. Just watch me shine because it’s going to be so bright it just might be blinded by it ✨✨✨🌟🌟. 

😍😍 EbonyMonae😍😍


Don’t let people stop your shine my lovelies. If there is something you want, go for it because it will kill them more to know that your COMING FOR/GOT IT💜

African American, Anger, Black Girl, Boycott the Fourth Of July, Brave New Voices, Charleston 9, Civil Rights, Extreme Sadness, Food for thought, Fourth of July, Heartbreak, Racism, Slam Poetry, Unpatriotic

Boycotting The Fourth Of July

So its the fourth of July today which means the U.S will celebrate its 239th year since the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress declaring that the thirteen American colonies will regard themselves as a new nation. Most of the nation will have a big BBQ and fireworks. This fourth I will be thinking about the what the fourth means to me. It has been on my heart all day to write this.

Especially with everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks with the death of nine innocent people in Charleston, North Carolina it made me really think about the Fourth of July. To be honest I am not in a celebrating mood. The fourth was one of my favorite holidays as a child. It was not just the fireworks and the watermelon that appealed to a young me but it was the sense of pride to that I belonged to a great nation. That this was a land of great opportunity. From early on my grandmother instilled in me that in this land you can achieve anything you just have to work a little harder than most. But this fourth I am not in the mood to celebrate. I am feeling very unpatriotic.

In 1776 my ancestors were slaves. When they first sent the The Declaration of Independence to the British, the founders stated that  “All men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” That turned out to be false because all men were not equal nor would they ever be an equal when you have people burning down predominantly black churches this past week. And these men would not be “equal” until maybe The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 that freed African Americans in free states, and after the Civil War, the Thirteenth Amendment emancipated all U.S. slaves in all states. With that being said should an African American Celebrate the Fourth of July? Because were we ever truly an equal? When the confederate flag waves so freely in the southern states.

One of my high school teachers Mr. White said to me “We were once slaves, but are we truly free?” When writing this I thought back to that day he asked me. A young me at that time, thought didn’t you just teach us about freeing the slaves so yes we are free. Now that I am older and had life experiences. That question is in the forefront of my mind. To this day people of my color are still dying and the people that are doing the killing are walking away. So where in here do these African Americans have the right to life as the the Declaration of Independence stated? It does not feel like freedom to me.

During the civil rights churches were burned down left and right. Growing up my mother, aunts and grandmother were around when Martin Luther King and other Civil Rights leaders fought for Civil Rights for African Americans. To see this is my day and age is sad and makes me wonder how far we have regressed and not even realized it. I understand that racism will never go away. But I thought that as a nation we have come far, farther then other nations. Over the last few years I have seen young men and women beat, jailed, or killed because of the color of there skin.

How can I feel patriotic when I see fellow African Americans face injustice everyday? How can I feel a sense of pride when I see how the news portray people of color? With those questions being asked I can not in good faith feel anything but anger and extreme sadness that in this era people are still facing extreme forms of racism and hate. My fellow countryman think its okay to wave a flag that symbolizes so much pain to a lot of people.

I am extremely disheartened on this day because when the Declaration of Independence was written it was not for everyone it was for certain type of person. So I can not stand up and celebrate with the rest of the country. I can not stand up and enjoy it when nine African Americans will never see another Fourth of July.

With that being said I will boycott the Fourth of July until everyone can stand up and feel a sense of pride about our country.



This is one of my favorite poems from this young woman, it speaks of what I was feeling on this day put in slam poetry.