Be Awesome, Be Happy, be inspired, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle blogger

Hello November 🍂🍁

Good Morning Loves,

Today is a new month.

Today marks a new chapter in your life.

Today marks a new reason to smile.

Today marks a new reason to laugh.

Today marks a new day to cry (let it out)

Today is the day you stop setting for that person you know is not good for you. Today is the day YOU let go. I personally know that it’s hard because I hang on to people when I should have let them go along time ago. Remember that when you let go of what was you open yourself up to what is come.



be inspired, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle blogger, love Yourself

Fall In Love With Yourself😍

Good morning,

I love the fall time because everything is changing. Everywhere you look there is a change occurring all around you.

While everything is changing take that time to change yourself as well. I truly believe you can’t really change unless you have self love.

Love yourself. Love all your flaws & insecurities. Love those things just a little bit more because they make you unique. So pledge to fall in love with all the things that make up who you are.




Self-love takes time. So start by saying one positive thing about yourself. Make post-its of positive quotes and leave them around your personal space.

Be Happy, be inspired, Blogger, Faith, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, Life, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger

Love Everyday…..


Through the good and bad love your life. Each moment is meant for something. The hardships I experienced made me stronger and wiser.

The good moments reminded me how beautiful life is. Today I want you to love the life you been given.



be inspired, Beautiful, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle blogger, love Yourself, Low Self-Esteem

Body Positive Monday

Morningggggg lovesss,

So yesterday evening I posted a post that was very raw to me. I hope you read it. If not it’s going to be right before this one. Today’s quote is:

Love your body. I have big ass boobs and a flat butt but you know what I’m going to love me anyway. I also have stretch marks galore. But I’m going to love how God made me. I know it’s hard. Trust me it’s freaking hard. But love it anyway. It’s time we learn to love us for US.

Love you guys and I hope my quote helps you💕

XoXo 😘


be inspired, Blessed, Death, Faith, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger

Trust Him

Morning Loves,

This morning my heart is still heavy. As mentioned yesterday my friend lost her son. I’m still coming to terms with it myself. In moments like this you want to be supportive and be there for your friends. I still don’t know what to say that will make it okay. That will ease her pain. In times like this I’m learning to trust my on my own faith.

For anyone that’s going through anything. Trust on your faith.

Know that God will get you through it. Sometimes it’s hard to hear that but know God is there. When I feel like my back is to the wall I always say “God won’t give me more than I can handle.” I repeat it all the time and that simple phrase gets me through it. I feel empowered because he knows what I can handle.

Keeping the Faith,



Baby girl I love you more than you know. No words can heal your heart right now but know I am here always.

Blogger, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle blogger, love Yourself, Low Self-Esteem, Uncategorized


Day 3 Self-Love Friday!!!

Morning people. Happy Friday!!!

Self-Love its important, it’s something we need. Something I know I lack daily. Today I want you to wake up and SAY “I am Beautiful. I am Gorgeous. I’M HERE TO SLAY!!

Go forth today and slay. Be Your Beautiful!!


-Love E



Hating yourself for what you aren’t.


LOVING yourself for everything you are. 





Love, Relationship Goals, Romance, Uncategorized

Matters of the Heart

Morning Loves. Happy Tuesday.

So James Arthur who is one of my favorite, favorite artist of all time released a song last Friday. Let me tell you its amazing. I have been following James for a while now. He’s a truly gifted artist. He sings with such emotion it gives me chills. His songs are beautifully written by him and guys let me tell you I am in love. Absolutely in freaking love. Okay I’m done fangirling for now.

It’s been awhile since I have posted a song I like. All I ask is take a moment to listen to this song and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

For the love birds out there I hope it makes you think of someone special in your life.  Enjoy.


As always Be Amazing, Be Beautiful and Be Vibrant💜

Ebony Monae💜


“I’m so in love with you,  I hope you know.”

Black Girl, Black Women, Blogger Chick, Dreams, Faith, Follow Your Heart, I Love You, Life, lifestyle blogger, Love, Purpose, Sisters, Woman Encouragement, Words of Wisdom

Happy Birthday Beautiful💜

Miss Honesty Rose🌹

Honesty you mean so much to me. The love I have for you transcends time. I can’t even put it in to words. I love you with every fiber of my being. So this this letter is for you to look back on when life gets hard and when I’m no longer around. 

Dear Honesty,

 I love  you very much. Seeing you the first few hours you were born into this world I knew in my 💜 you were going to be something great. You were so tiny when I first laid eyes on you but you were a strong little thing. A fighter. You were born five weeks early but that didn’t stop you. It has been an honor to watch you grow, laugh, and learn. Remember to keep God close to your heart. He will always be there for you. You are his greatest creation never forget that. 

Honesty as you get older you will learn that life will knock you down. You will see friends come and go. You will have boys break your heart. In life there will be dark moments but  there will always be beautiful moments. These moments are what we live for. These moments are what makes life worth living. 

Honesty you will make mistakes in your life. If you didn’t you would not be living life. To truly grow and mature you have to learn from these mistakes. Remember a mistake is something you do once or twice, if it becomes more it is not a mistake it is an habit. Acknowledging ones mistakes also makes them the bigger person. With that being said don’t forget to say sorry when you are wrong. 

Don’t look back and regret life my love. Enjoy it, LIVE IT. Do whatever you want to do with your life. Baby girl don’t let anyone ever tell you the sky is the limit because there are footprints on the moon. Shoot for the moon and stars. Grab life by the horns and keep on pushing. If you fall remember I will always be there to help you stand up again. I will always be here to guide you. 

Life has a way of changing at a drop of a dime Honesty but remember when it does go with the changes, I know its easier to hang on to the past but embrace the change. God knows the plan he has for your life. 

Always follow your heart because it can lead you on amazing journeys. I can not wait to see what God has in store for you. I love you so very much. Don’t ever forget that💜 

Love Always and Forever, 


Happy First Birthday Honesty Rose💜

Be Happy, Beautiful, Black Women, Blessed, Follow Your Heart, Friday, Inner Strength

Take OFF the Mask🎭

It’s time to take off the mask. Time to reveal to the world who you really are. Don’t hide your true self any longer. 

Do you understand what I am saying? Show the world who you are. It saddens me when people hide themselves for fear of being judged. Hunny you get one shot at the this. Live your LIFE!! Do not live for others opinions. Today a coworker told me that his friend won’t speak Spanish because of fear of people hearing it. Whats sad about this he is Hispanic. Thats hiding yourself. This person grew up in an Hispanic household yet the fear of judgment keeps him from speaking his native tongue. 

My advice to anyone who is wearing a mask. Take it off. Hiding yourself for others is the equivalent of silencing your soul. I whole heartedly believe to do anything in this world you have got to have a sense of self. If you hide your true self than you won’t accomplish much. 

My Mask is Off, 

Ebony Monae 


Life. What does it mean to you? Ask yourself that.