be inspired, Follow Your Heart, Have Courage, lifestyle blogger

Where Your Meant To Be.

Good Morning,

Whatever your doing, I want you to STOP🛑, lean your head back to sky, close your eyes, open your arms wide and SMILE. This is you accepting how far you have come in life.

Let’s forget about where we wanted or saw our life going. Let us accept where we are in our life. Let’s us love the journey we are on. Life is a constant change and if we still hold on to our past wants then we will never see the beauty that surrounds us.


Ebony 💜

be inspired, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger

Are We?

Are we being BOLD?

Are we listening to our HEART♥️?

Are we living the life we IMAGINED? 🙇🏾‍♀️

If not, WHY? Take time today to answers these questions. Here’s some encouragement!


Listen to your HEART♥️!!!

Life your greatest LIFE💃🏾💃🏾!!



Be Happy, be inspired, Blogger, Faith, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, Life, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger

Love Everyday…..


Through the good and bad love your life. Each moment is meant for something. The hardships I experienced made me stronger and wiser.

The good moments reminded me how beautiful life is. Today I want you to love the life you been given.



be inspired, Faith, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle blogger, Love Life, Quotes


Morning Sunnies,

Today I want to talk about the Arabic word Maktub, which means “it is written”

Sometimes we stress over life. Stress over our circumstances and directions so much that we forget that god has written every aspect of our lives.

Everything that occurs is meant to be.

Understand that he is most high and everything that he has destined for your life is for a reason. Personally I am a little confused right now. Everything is happening so fast but I am learning to trust gods plan for me.

I hope my post reaches some part of you. Have a blessed and amazing day💜



Be Awesome, Be Happy, be inspired, Blessed, Blogger, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle


Morning Sunshines☀️

I hope you have a amazing day. Going forth today I want you to remember that You Matter. 

Don’t forget that You Will Always Matter. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t.  Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently. 

This is your amazing, vibrant, and beautiful life that matters. This is your life and I want to inspire you to live it beautifully

Ebony Monae 💜

You Will Always Matter💜 

Be Awesome, Be Happy, be inspired, Enjoying Yourself, Quotes, Words of Wisdom

Learning to be Content with Myself

Good morning loves. Happy Thursday. I hope your week is going great. I hope your being the best you person you can be.  

I had this quote above saved in draft folder for a long time but significance of it didn’t hit home until recently. 

I am forever being pulled in many different directions. Trying to make time for everyone. For that I am to blamed. I agree to do things that I sometimes forget that I’m not superwoman. That I forget about me. I forget about taking time for me. This weekend I did that. I took five glorious days for myself. I went shopping, had dinner alone, went to a poetry show. I went on a mini road trip. It was fine. In therapy my therapist and I are working on me doing things alone. Being content with myself. I always have to bring someone with me for me to be comfortable doing things. In all honesty I was scared to do things alone. I mean who wants to. 

One thing I learned from last week is you can do it. You can take time for yourself and be unapologetic about it. Last week I also got into a fight with my girlfriends and it was a small thing that turned into a big thing. It had me thinking that maybe I should do this so we can be back to where we were even when I didn’t want to. Even when I was not ready to. I was setting a course for my life based on them. If that makes any sense. I had to really take a step back and say no. I had to acknowledge that I’m still upset and hurt by what transpired and that its okay for me to be. 

What’s not okay is that I would have went down a different avenue just so we would not be mad at each other again. In that instance I let the argument set a different course of my life.  

In the end this quote just embodied everything I aiming to be. I’m working on me. I’m doing what I want with my life. I’m learning to let go of others perceptions about life and learning to understand my own. 

If you take anything from this post take the fact that you can have time set aside just for you and you can enjoy it ALONE.

As always Be Amazing, Be Beautiful and Be Vibrant💜 

Ebony Monae💜


be unapologetic about who you are! 

Black Girl, Black Women, Blogger Chick, Dreams, Faith, Follow Your Heart, I Love You, Life, lifestyle blogger, Love, Purpose, Sisters, Woman Encouragement, Words of Wisdom

Happy Birthday Beautiful💜

Miss Honesty Rose🌹

Honesty you mean so much to me. The love I have for you transcends time. I can’t even put it in to words. I love you with every fiber of my being. So this this letter is for you to look back on when life gets hard and when I’m no longer around. 

Dear Honesty,

 I love  you very much. Seeing you the first few hours you were born into this world I knew in my 💜 you were going to be something great. You were so tiny when I first laid eyes on you but you were a strong little thing. A fighter. You were born five weeks early but that didn’t stop you. It has been an honor to watch you grow, laugh, and learn. Remember to keep God close to your heart. He will always be there for you. You are his greatest creation never forget that. 

Honesty as you get older you will learn that life will knock you down. You will see friends come and go. You will have boys break your heart. In life there will be dark moments but  there will always be beautiful moments. These moments are what we live for. These moments are what makes life worth living. 

Honesty you will make mistakes in your life. If you didn’t you would not be living life. To truly grow and mature you have to learn from these mistakes. Remember a mistake is something you do once or twice, if it becomes more it is not a mistake it is an habit. Acknowledging ones mistakes also makes them the bigger person. With that being said don’t forget to say sorry when you are wrong. 

Don’t look back and regret life my love. Enjoy it, LIVE IT. Do whatever you want to do with your life. Baby girl don’t let anyone ever tell you the sky is the limit because there are footprints on the moon. Shoot for the moon and stars. Grab life by the horns and keep on pushing. If you fall remember I will always be there to help you stand up again. I will always be here to guide you. 

Life has a way of changing at a drop of a dime Honesty but remember when it does go with the changes, I know its easier to hang on to the past but embrace the change. God knows the plan he has for your life. 

Always follow your heart because it can lead you on amazing journeys. I can not wait to see what God has in store for you. I love you so very much. Don’t ever forget that💜 

Love Always and Forever, 


Happy First Birthday Honesty Rose💜

Be Happy, Black Women, Blogger, Confidence In Yourself, Dreams, Monday, Monday Motivation, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength

Take A Risk With Your Life! 

Happy Monday💜

 Over the weekend we lost a great man. Mohammed Ali. He was a remarkable man. He stood by what he believed in and he never changed who he was. He also never gave up. 

Today I want to write a post about one of his famous quotes. 

The quote above really spoke to me. Take risk in your life. Life is such a beautiful thing. It’s a blessing to be able to live. I am one of the many people that stuggle with taking risks. I am a person that loves my comfort zone. If we continue to stay in our comfort zone we will not accomplish much in our lives. 

Take a risk in with your life. Do something that your scared to do. Have that faith in yourself and just leap. If you fail at least you know that you tried. Trying is better than regret. 

Being Courageous, 

Ebony Monae 


Have the courage to take the risk. Be bold, be fierce and don’t let fear stop you. 

Be Happy, Beautiful, Life, lifestyle, Love Life

Life Is Beautiful! 

Today I learned that one of my former residents passed away. She was only 26 years old. She left behind a young son. Despite what was going on in her life she was extremely upbeat and always kept you smiling. 

I got in this this feild to make an impact on there life, but in the end they made an impact on my life. Thank you for teaching me it’s okay to smile and be happy despite what’s going in my life. Thank you for teaching me that I can always strive to be better than I who I was yesterday. 

You will be forever be missed. Your personality was so big that everyone knew when you walked in the room. May god continue to watch over your son and your family. 

When my residents leave from my job I don’t think of them dying. I’m just  wishing that they leave better then when they arrived. That I impacted there life as much as they did mines. Death shows a person that life is beautiful. That life is also short! 

Saddened by Loss, 

Ebony Monae 


Life is beautiful, live it before it’s gone💖