Be Happy, be inspired, Blessed, Confidence In Yourself, Faith, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle blogger, Quotes

Magnificent Transformation 💜

Morning Sunshines,

This quote is giving me all types of good vibes. I’m excited about the months ahead. I’m excited about about all the new beginnings I’m embarking on(more to come on a later date.)

Are you excited about what the next couple of months will bring? I hope you are. Previously this week we talked about focusing on you, speaking positivity into your life and letting shit go whether is people or feelings. I promise you if you do all of these things you will breathe much easier.

Now I’m encouraging you to open new doors for yourself. Start the groundwork for this transformation. Apply to that new job. Make that profile on a dating app. Step foot into a gym. Do what you feel you have to do for you to breathe easier.

I’m doing it right along with you. In the next few months I want to explore new things. Meet new people. Travel some. Really work on my business and books(ohh by the way I’m working on a new book so un click that link and tell me what you think🙃)

Blessing Upon Blessings,


be inspired, Beautiful Words, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Quotes

This is Your Life, Own It💖

Mawning  loves. It’s a rainy Wednesday here in NY but I’m thankful and blessed. I hope my post finds you guys in a good mood this morning. If not I hope my post cheers you up<3. 

This quote above describes what I kind of been feeling lately. It reminded me my life was own personally story. I’m learning to write my story for me. For a few days now I was in that stage where I’m just lost in the abyss not knowing what direction to take in life. I had to realize it’s my life. I can take any direction in life I want to. I can edit and remove anything I want to. 

I always get like this when I see a friend getting married or having a child. I have to understand that my life can’t take that on right now. I have to trust my choices and trust my story. 

If your going through this in your life, understand it’s your life. People you know are at different places in life, but so are you. It’s okay to make mistakes and take wrong turns it’s life. Trust your story your writing. 

Ebony Monae, 


We are what we believe we are! 

                               C.S. Lewis 

Be Happy, Black Women, Blogger, Confidence In Yourself, Dreams, Monday, Monday Motivation, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength

Take A Risk With Your Life! 

Happy Monday💜

 Over the weekend we lost a great man. Mohammed Ali. He was a remarkable man. He stood by what he believed in and he never changed who he was. He also never gave up. 

Today I want to write a post about one of his famous quotes. 

The quote above really spoke to me. Take risk in your life. Life is such a beautiful thing. It’s a blessing to be able to live. I am one of the many people that stuggle with taking risks. I am a person that loves my comfort zone. If we continue to stay in our comfort zone we will not accomplish much in our lives. 

Take a risk in with your life. Do something that your scared to do. Have that faith in yourself and just leap. If you fail at least you know that you tried. Trying is better than regret. 

Being Courageous, 

Ebony Monae 


Have the courage to take the risk. Be bold, be fierce and don’t let fear stop you. 

African American, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Confidence In Yourself, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Strong, Take a Leap, True Colors

Happy Tuesday! 

Hey guys. Happy Tuesday. It’s a new week. Let’s strive to be that person we know we can be. Let’s be better then we were yesterday.  My favorite quote now is “have courage and be kind!” That’s from the Cinderella movie. I got a chance to rewatch it this weekend with my little brother and sister. I just loved that quote. It just speaks to you. You may never know who would need that kindness you put forth. So this week be kind to others. It can change there whole life! 

Have courage. Do the things you thought you can not do. Don’t let the devil steal that from you. Believe in yourself. Someone once told me you are your own worst critic. I know that to be true. Because I am constantly putting myself down. It has to end sometime. Why not today? So let’s do all the things others and ourselves said we can not do! 

Having Courage and Kindness 

Ebony Monae💜


I really hope we all be a little more kinder to others. And have ALOT more courage to do the things we thought we can not. 

Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Blessed, Confidence In Yourself, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Fit and Fabolous, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Forgiveness, Friday, Funny, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, True Colors, Uncategorized, Words of Wisdom

Reflection of 2015💗

As 2015 ended and 2016 begins. I felt the need to reflect back on several things this past year that I have been through and overcame!

I was sick.  But I made it through. I was literally seeing a hematologist everyweek. Having 12 big vials of blood drawn out every week. One problem affected all the other health problems I had going on. Some days I wanted to give up. But I had to believe God had better plans for my life. When I felt like I couldn’t go on. I got the strength to go on. When I felt alone my best friend was by myside through it all. 

 I learned that life is precious and it’s time to leave my comfort zone.  Going through a lot of health problems has taught me this. Life is supposed to be lived. I refuse to live by the sidelines.

Family! I let that go. I embraced my non-tradional family. That’s means I was adopted by a family that loved me. I was adopted into a family at the age of five that for years I felt like I didn’t belong because I wouldn’t conform to there way of thinking. For years I was hurt because I felt unloved by them, I tried to make them love me. Let me work harder in school, let me let them use me to show them I will always be there. They didn’t understand me. I learned that the siblings you grow up with or parents who raise you doesn’t intentionally mean that they have to be your family. I learned that the people who were suppose to by my side during my darkest days were not. Through a lot of reflection I learned that it’s okay.  I can’t make people love me. I can’t make people be there for me. I can’t change who I am to be someone I a not so they can like me. I also learned that my non traditional family is my family. I am loved and I am accepted flaws and all. 

I am learning to love Ebony Monae.  I have let people make me feel worthless, ugly, unlovable. This year it stopped. My friend told me I had to look at myself objectively. What did I see when I looked at myself. I saw a fighter. When life got hard I kept on pushing. When people doubted me I showed them what I am made of. When people who I loved hurt me, I learned to let go. That for me is the hardest thing to do. When I look in the mirror I see beauty, not just my outward appearance but my inner beauty is shining through. I see a kind spirit. Someone who loves to laugh and make others do the same. 

I am not perfect. I learned that it’s okay to fail. To make mistakes. Life is all about growth. Make mistakes and learn from them. Fail but always get back up. 

In 2016 I want to do so many things and nothing will Stop Me!! 

In 2016 I promise to:

Live Life! 

Love 💜 Myself! 


Make Mistakes! 


Be Kind! 

Be Genergous! 

Love, Freely/Hard!!! 

Be Healthy!!


Xoxo Ebony Monae Xoxo


Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! May we all work on things this year that brings us happiness!