Anger, Be Happy, Black Women, Blogger, Extreme Sadness, Forgiveness, Inner Strength, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Strong

Forgiving You💔

Good morning guys! I hope your doing well this morning. Sorry I haven’t written in a while, my heart was not in it. I have been going through things. Well I should say going through emotions. As you know I graduated a week ago but what I didn’t disclose is that my mom didn’t show up. 

For the last few days I have been in denial. I have been hurt and angry. I was in denial because I did not believe my own mother did not show up to her oldest daughters graduation. Hurt because it was one of my proudest moments and yet you failed to show up. I’m angry forget angry, I am mad as hell that you didn’t show and your only excuse was that you were tired. Tired? This day does not come around everyday. You could have slept in the car or the whole graduation until you saw me walk across that stage. 

In my heart I know I have to forgive her because if I don’t it will eat me up. The anger and the pain will slowly harden me and that’s not who I am. I always speak about living life and always make the best of if. But today I’m going to talk about forgiveness. To my readers forgive those who have wronged you. It won’t happen over night. It will take time but forgive them. Don’t think for one second it’s for them it’s not it’s for YOU

I have dealt with the anger and the pain now it’s time to embark on a journey of forgiveness. The day of my gradation I had amazing family to watch me graduate. My mother lost out. It was her loss to not witness a great accomplishment in my life. To my family I thank you for all you have done. I love you guys very much💜. 

Taking it one day at a time,

Ebony Monae


I will forgive, but I also learn a lesson. I won’t hate you, but I’ll never get close enough for you to hurt me again. I can’t let my forgiveness become foolishness

African American, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Confidence In Yourself, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Strong, Take a Leap, True Colors

Happy Tuesday! 

Hey guys. Happy Tuesday. It’s a new week. Let’s strive to be that person we know we can be. Let’s be better then we were yesterday.  My favorite quote now is “have courage and be kind!” That’s from the Cinderella movie. I got a chance to rewatch it this weekend with my little brother and sister. I just loved that quote. It just speaks to you. You may never know who would need that kindness you put forth. So this week be kind to others. It can change there whole life! 

Have courage. Do the things you thought you can not do. Don’t let the devil steal that from you. Believe in yourself. Someone once told me you are your own worst critic. I know that to be true. Because I am constantly putting myself down. It has to end sometime. Why not today? So let’s do all the things others and ourselves said we can not do! 

Having Courage and Kindness 

Ebony Monae💜


I really hope we all be a little more kinder to others. And have ALOT more courage to do the things we thought we can not.