Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Confidence In Yourself, Dream Big, Faith, Have Courage, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Quotes

Continue To Climb!

Good Morning, it’s a beautiful day in New York Today. So I’m enjoying the sunshine. 

Today’s post actually shows the picture of my Graduation Cap. 

The best view comes after the hardest climb. 

This quote described what I went through during my last year of obtaining my undergraduate degree. I was plaqued with health problems and faced financially diffculties.  It was hard. I was depressed. I felt like at the age of 25 that my life was over. I kept asking God why are these health problems happening to me?  It was one of the most difficult times in my life.  

In the end I overcame it all because I got to walk across that stage on Sunday. My family was cheering me on from the sidelines. They were my biggest supporters. When I doubted myself they were there to remind me that if I put my mind to it I will achieve greatness

My thoughts to you on this morning. Is continue to climb. It may be hard right now. You may feel like giving up. You may feel all alone. Don’t give up. Keep climbing. Your not alone. God is always by your side right along with your amazing support system. 

Achieving Greatness, 

Ebony Monae💜 


Nana I did this for us. I love you. 

After College, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Christianity, Christians, Confess, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Dream Big, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Feminist, Fit and Fabolous, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Lost Girl, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Natural Girls, Natural Hair, Natural Hair Blogger, Needs Direction, Purpose, Quarter Life Crisis, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Spring Cleaning, Strong, Take a Leap, True Colors

Trust Your Journey! 

Happy Friday Loves💜! 

It’s Friday! Finally I can unwind and relax. NOT! Busy weekend coming up! Enough about me. How is everyone doing? I hope you had an amazing week. I hope you did all the things you wanted to do. I hope you stuck to you healthy eating plan. I hoped you walked away from people that hurt you. I hope you stood up for yourself. If not there is always tomorrow OR right now. Remember life is too short to waste on tomorrow’s. Right now in this moment claim your life back. 

My message to you on this Friday is don’t give up. Life will confuse you. Life will knock you down. Keep on fighting the good fight. Whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP! I believe that anything you put your mind to you can achieve. 

Last week I applied to take the civil service test for child protective services in my county. I actually take it a month away. Then on Wednesday I received an email for a per Diem job opportunity working with foster children. God is amazing! A couple of months ago I was  lost with my life. No plan, no direction. Now I have a job opportunity. Maybe I will like it. Maybe I won’t. But I will say that I’m going to try it. I don’t want to sit back and let opportunities pass me by.   

Life is all about learning and growing. I am learning about me. I told you guys in previous post for too long I have put so many people before me. Now I will put myself first💜! 

My message to you is to trust in Gods promise. He has a plan for your life. He will not lead you astray. I’m a testament to that. So trust in your journey. Yea, you may feel lost and yea you may feel alone, but know this you are not alone because I too have been in that place your in at this moment. I know that if you don’t give up amazing things will happen in your life. 

Blessed and Highly Favored, 

Ebony Monae! 



African American, Anger, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Confess, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Enjoying Yourself, Extreme Sadness, Feminist, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Frustration, Have Courage, Helping others, I Love You, Inner Strength, Lost Girl, Love, Love Life, Love Your Hair, love Yourself, Natural Hair Blogger, Purpose, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Relationship Advice, Relationship Goals, Romance, Spring Cleaning, Strong, Take a Leap, True Potential, Uncategorized

Know Your Worth!


 Hunny have respect for yourself. LOVE yourself. Do not let anyone put you down, make you feel worthless. You are beautiful! You are amazing! You are NOT what they said you are! The basis for all relationships is RESPECT. 

Lauren Hill, she is just a beautiful soul. Take her words to heart. If she/he doesn’t respect you, then they don’t DESERVE you! I can attest to this. I been through it. I let them do that to me. In the end I learned myself worth. I learned that,  NO you will not speak to me that way. NO you will not put me down, make me feel inferior. The day I said NO I started living for ME! 

Furthermore do not go by what you see on TV. Nowadays you see these woman on these reality shows that let these men make them look like a fool. They have no respect for there relationships or the woman they are dating. Do Not be taken for a fool for any man/women that do not know how to be in a healthy and stable relationship! It’s not cute or healthy to be treated like that. Know Your Worth! 

Lastly, it’s okay to be alone. Don’t be afraid of being alone. There is beauty in growing and learning about yourself. Don’t be disrespected. Don’t stand for that. I understand it’s not easy to walk a way, but understand this there is beauty in walking away! 

Giving it to you Straight, 


African American, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Christianity, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Dream Big, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love Life, Love Your Hair, love Yourself, Natural Girls, Purpose, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Transformation Tuesday, True Potential

Working on ME💜

I posted this to remind everyone we are a work in PROGRESS!  We are changing everyday. We are fighting battles people no nothing about! I know that I am trying everyday to be a better person than yesterday.! Who can relate? 

To a person that’s struggling this message is for you. Change comes over time. Not in a instant!  If your working at it you will see change. I whole heartedly believe that if you put in the work change will come. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! You are not perfect no one is but if you strive to make a difference in yourself you will see change. I hope this message reaches you and encourages you! 

Much Love, 

Ebony Monae 


Don’t forget we are only human we will make mistakes! 

African American, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Confidence In Yourself, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Strong, Take a Leap, True Colors

Happy Tuesday! 

Hey guys. Happy Tuesday. It’s a new week. Let’s strive to be that person we know we can be. Let’s be better then we were yesterday.  My favorite quote now is “have courage and be kind!” That’s from the Cinderella movie. I got a chance to rewatch it this weekend with my little brother and sister. I just loved that quote. It just speaks to you. You may never know who would need that kindness you put forth. So this week be kind to others. It can change there whole life! 

Have courage. Do the things you thought you can not do. Don’t let the devil steal that from you. Believe in yourself. Someone once told me you are your own worst critic. I know that to be true. Because I am constantly putting myself down. It has to end sometime. Why not today? So let’s do all the things others and ourselves said we can not do! 

Having Courage and Kindness 

Ebony Monae💜


I really hope we all be a little more kinder to others. And have ALOT more courage to do the things we thought we can not. 

African American, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Christianity, Christians, Confidence In Yourself, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Purpose, Strong, True Potential, Uncategorized

💜Life Changing Moment💜

Good Morning. I wanted to post this Sunday when arrived back from Houston but I was tired and my hand was aching, still is for that matter my hand is in a splint. I apologize already for any misspelled words. So on to the good stuff.

On Sunday March 13th I had a life changing experience.  I have written in the past how I have struggled with direction in my life. What I have not disclosed is how I struggle with my faith. I was always the one that tiptoed into Christianity. Never fully committing because I did not understand it. How people can have so much faith? How someone you never met can have so much control over your life?  I never understood when people say Jesus changed my life or Jesus saved me. I just felt like how can that be. Until Sunday March 13th. 

Sunday March 13th I felt Gods presence. I felt his love for me. I felt his forgiveness. I don’t know if I am explaining it right but I felt his amazing love for me. Me? Someone who always tiptoed in my faith and Christanity. Someone whose faith was smaller than a mustard seed. Someone worst than a sinner. 

March 13th T.D Jakes said a prayer over my life. He spoke about how God takes people like Abraham and Jacobs. You see Jacob didn’t have a clean past. As pastor TD Jakes put it he was a “stutter”.  Messed up over and over in his life. But God still took him and used him. Such as Moses. Moses was a murderer but God used him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
Sitting in the stands at LakeWood Church surround by my love ones I felt such a calling on my life. Pastor T.D Jakes also spoke about how we all have a purpose in our life. I mentioned before in a previous post that I was struggling with that. Struggling with direction. Feeling lost. Pastor T.D Jakes put everything into perspective for me. “God has a plan for your life. Everything you have been through is a shadow of what’s to come. Remember where there are shadows there is always light. It will take time for you to understand your full purpose and destiny in life.”

Who knew that on this day I would be in the audience receiving that particular message. I came to Houston for a baby dedication for a friends son. I didn’t even know Pastor T.D Jakes would be there until I met up with everyone to go to Church that morning.
As I sit and write this post I can say I am at peace. I have never known such peace in my life. My mind is always running. Always thinking of the next step. Planning and when plans don’t go right then I am replanning. My mind is at peace. My spirit is at peace. I’m not thinking of tomorrow. I am just at peace. I can say at that this moment I have direction. I know God has a purpose for my life and he won’t lead me astray. 

Finally at Peace, 

Ebony Monae💜


Lord I pray that whoever reads this post will find direction in there life. I pray that you watch over them and guide them. Thank you lord for never giving up on me. For loving me unconditionally. I pray that your next direction in my life will be greater than the last. In your name I pray. Amen


Lol here are some snap chat videos lol! 


African American, Be Awesome, Black Girl, Black Women, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Brave New Voices, Confidence In Yourself, Extreme Sadness, Feminist, Follow Your Heart, Frustration, Have Courage, Inner Strength, love Yourself, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Sisters, Strong, Transformation Tuesday, True Potential, Woman Encouragement, Womans Rights, Words of Wisdom

Breaking The Mold!!

In honor of International Women’s Day!

This quote is so inspiring to me. I have a three beautiful smart nieces. As I think about them as I type this post. I want them to have more opportunities then I ever had. I came to the realization that it starts at a young age to empower them to be strong, brave and courageous. It all starts with them. In a speech by fellow feminist Emma Watson she states “….it will take 75 years for a woman to be paid the same as men.” 75 years? What saddens me the most; is that I most likely won’t be around to see it! What I do know is that it starts with the next generation of woman and that’s our daughters, nieces, granddaughters and cousins. We have to teach them to be strong. To fight for women’s rights. To never give up. TO BREAK GLASS CEILINGS. 

Happy International Women’s Day! Lets all celebrate this day because WE HAVE EARNED IT!! 

Teaching Young Girls of Tomorrow,

Ebony Monae



African American, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Blessed, Brave New Voices, Civil Rights, Confess, Confidence In Yourself, Dream Big, Dreams, Extreme Sadness, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Helping others, Inner Strength, Love Life, love Yourself, Monday, Monday Motivation, Prejudice, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Racism, Thank You, True Potential, Uncategorized, Words of Wisdom

Thank You And Happy Birthday!! 

Thank You Dr. Martin Luther King. Because of you and others, people of color and other races have come a long way towards equality. You gave us a voice. Growing up my grandmother use to sing you praises. Young me thought why? He’s just another preacher. She sat me down and explained to me that you were more.  You were a vision of hope. She described what life was like growing up in the south. She recalled not facing extreme racism like her brothers and sisters due to her lighter skin tone but she remembered how she felt. She felt worthless. 

My grandmother engrained in me to be humble and most of all thankful. Young me wouldn’t understand the significance of her words until later on in my life. 

I won’t put you on a pedalstool because like any other human you had flaws. But I will say that you paved the way for young people like me to not have to take a seat in the back of the bus, a right to equal education, the right to be African America in a country when racicm is still much alive. 

Your bravery and courage paved the way for a black man to be President of the United States. 

It saddens me to see young men and woman forgetting about the people who fought and died for some of the luxuries they have today. It saddens me to see the younger generation putting pop stars as there idols based on looks and the money they flash around. 

It breaks my heart to see we have entered an era where young men and woman are dying at the hands of police officers and that our legal system is failing them.  Justice is not being served. It’s time we all stand up for what matters. No longer should we be silent on these matters. 
We have a voice and it’s our turn to take up the torch and march forward. 


Ebony Monae


Wishing you a very special Birthday in Heaven!! 

Be Awesome, Beautiful, Confidence In Yourself, Dream Big, Dreams, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love Life, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, True Potential, Uncategorized, Words of Wisdom

Dream BIG

I saw this and it just spoke to me. 

Growing up as a child I had so many dreams but as I got older I didn’t have any. I lost sight of what it was like to have dreams. Most of that is due to having a lot self-doubt and lacking courage to follow them. One thing I have learned is that what are we without our dreams? If F. Scott Fitzgerald didn’t follow his dreams he would not have written American Classics. 

My message to everyone is to Dream! Always follow your Dreams! Never give up on your Dreams! Keep Dreaming! 

Always Dreaming, 

Ebony Monae 💜


Don’t EVER stop dreaming💗