be inspired, Blessed, Follow Your Heart, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle blogger, love Yourself, Quotes, Inner Strength

Take That Next Move. 

Morning loves. So I have some exciting news that I can’t wait to share with you guys but it will have to be later this week as I am too tired to write it tonight. Sorry guys but I still love you💗

For today’s post I want you to think about the next step your taking. Be mindful that every step you take even if it’s a small one is one step towards living the life you imagined for yourself. 

For those who are lost and don’t know what to do with your life. I’m going to give you a bit of advice in the form of a quote, “decide what to be and go be it.” That’s all there is to it. Go do something amazing with your life. 

For those that’s fearful like myself. Take that next step because I assure you god has amazing things in store for you. 

Be Beautiful, Be Vibrant and Be Amazing💖 

Ebony Monae💗 


Never give up on yourself♥️

Be Happy, Beautiful Words, Black Women, lifestyle blogger, love Yourself

My Deepest Post to Date💜 

In a fleeting moment a friend told me she was dealing with depression. She didn’t tell me more about it just that she’s been dealing with it. For the last couple of days I didn’t know what to write about. In order for me to write a post I have to feel it. It’s hard to explain but if I don’t feel it I can’t write it. 

So today in honor of her I would write a message to you in hopes to help you because when I was depressed I wanted someone to help me. 

A two years ago I was dealing with depression. At the time I didn’t know what it was. All I knew is that I just wanted to be left alone. Just stopped living my life. Work and school? I just stopped going. Taking a shower was to much energy. All I wanted was to stay in my bedroom. I was at rock bottom in my life. I just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me, I didn’t have the money for school, I just gave up on life and on top of that I was dealing with family drama. 

As I type this post I don’t know how I overcame it. I do know it was hard work. I prayed and I had a great support system. 

To anyone that’s dealing with depression. I know where you are because I too have been there. Reach out to someone so they can help you. If you have a religion pray to your God. Let him know you need him to guide you. 

Don’t give up on life. Life is hard I can attest to that. But don’t ever give up hope because it will get better, again I can attest to that. To my friend I hope this post finds you in a better spirit. I am here if you need it. May God guide you like he did me. 


Black Girl, Black Women, Blogger Chick, Dreams, Faith, Follow Your Heart, I Love You, Life, lifestyle blogger, Love, Purpose, Sisters, Woman Encouragement, Words of Wisdom

Happy Birthday Beautiful💜

Miss Honesty Rose🌹

Honesty you mean so much to me. The love I have for you transcends time. I can’t even put it in to words. I love you with every fiber of my being. So this this letter is for you to look back on when life gets hard and when I’m no longer around. 

Dear Honesty,

 I love  you very much. Seeing you the first few hours you were born into this world I knew in my 💜 you were going to be something great. You were so tiny when I first laid eyes on you but you were a strong little thing. A fighter. You were born five weeks early but that didn’t stop you. It has been an honor to watch you grow, laugh, and learn. Remember to keep God close to your heart. He will always be there for you. You are his greatest creation never forget that. 

Honesty as you get older you will learn that life will knock you down. You will see friends come and go. You will have boys break your heart. In life there will be dark moments but  there will always be beautiful moments. These moments are what we live for. These moments are what makes life worth living. 

Honesty you will make mistakes in your life. If you didn’t you would not be living life. To truly grow and mature you have to learn from these mistakes. Remember a mistake is something you do once or twice, if it becomes more it is not a mistake it is an habit. Acknowledging ones mistakes also makes them the bigger person. With that being said don’t forget to say sorry when you are wrong. 

Don’t look back and regret life my love. Enjoy it, LIVE IT. Do whatever you want to do with your life. Baby girl don’t let anyone ever tell you the sky is the limit because there are footprints on the moon. Shoot for the moon and stars. Grab life by the horns and keep on pushing. If you fall remember I will always be there to help you stand up again. I will always be here to guide you. 

Life has a way of changing at a drop of a dime Honesty but remember when it does go with the changes, I know its easier to hang on to the past but embrace the change. God knows the plan he has for your life. 

Always follow your heart because it can lead you on amazing journeys. I can not wait to see what God has in store for you. I love you so very much. Don’t ever forget that💜 

Love Always and Forever, 


Happy First Birthday Honesty Rose💜

After College, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Christianity, Christians, Confess, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Dream Big, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Feminist, Fit and Fabolous, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Lost Girl, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Natural Girls, Natural Hair, Natural Hair Blogger, Needs Direction, Purpose, Quarter Life Crisis, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Spring Cleaning, Strong, Take a Leap, True Colors

Trust Your Journey! 

Happy Friday Loves💜! 

It’s Friday! Finally I can unwind and relax. NOT! Busy weekend coming up! Enough about me. How is everyone doing? I hope you had an amazing week. I hope you did all the things you wanted to do. I hope you stuck to you healthy eating plan. I hoped you walked away from people that hurt you. I hope you stood up for yourself. If not there is always tomorrow OR right now. Remember life is too short to waste on tomorrow’s. Right now in this moment claim your life back. 

My message to you on this Friday is don’t give up. Life will confuse you. Life will knock you down. Keep on fighting the good fight. Whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP! I believe that anything you put your mind to you can achieve. 

Last week I applied to take the civil service test for child protective services in my county. I actually take it a month away. Then on Wednesday I received an email for a per Diem job opportunity working with foster children. God is amazing! A couple of months ago I was  lost with my life. No plan, no direction. Now I have a job opportunity. Maybe I will like it. Maybe I won’t. But I will say that I’m going to try it. I don’t want to sit back and let opportunities pass me by.   

Life is all about learning and growing. I am learning about me. I told you guys in previous post for too long I have put so many people before me. Now I will put myself first💜! 

My message to you is to trust in Gods promise. He has a plan for your life. He will not lead you astray. I’m a testament to that. So trust in your journey. Yea, you may feel lost and yea you may feel alone, but know this you are not alone because I too have been in that place your in at this moment. I know that if you don’t give up amazing things will happen in your life. 

Blessed and Highly Favored, 

Ebony Monae! 



Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Enjoying Yourself, Love, Love Your Hair, love Yourself, Natural Girls, Natural Hair, Natural Hair Blogger, Uncategorized, Woman Encouragement, Words of Wisdom

🙆🏾Natural Hair Update&Rant🙆🏾

Hello my Natural Sisters.  I hope you guys are slaying (I love this word and Idk why lol)the natural hair world. Two weekends ago I was in Houston. Let me just go off on a tangent and speak about Houston. I loved Houston while I was there. It was my first time visiting and it won’t be my last time. It was a pretty city. The food was good. The people were nice. Houston was like the capital of Natural Hair. Everywhere I went I saw Natural Hair women. I also went to a few beauty supply stores they all sold natural hair care products and on top of that there were a lot of beauty schools I saw as I was driving by.  Some of the products I saw I have never even heard of before( you know was on Youtube like nobodies business). Prices were in between. Some things I saw I was like damn they don’t have that so cheap by me. Others I was like its way cheaper by me. While there I got some cool products to try out. I have posted pictures below. I got these Products from Pampered&Twisted. They are a natural hair boutique located in Houston. It was a nice establishment. The worker was very nice and friendly. He was also helpful. He was knowledgeable about natural hair as well. When I go back to Houston I will most definitely be returning. One thing I like about Pampered &Twisted was that they sell these products online if I like what I see, it’s easy to repurchase more.

Product Reviews:

  •  I love the Curls Blueberry Bliss Restorative Leave In Conditioner. Let me start off by saying it smells amazing. It revitalizes my tresses. Loveeeee ittttt; will definitely purchase again. The price was not to bad either.
  • The Blue Rose Beauty Chocolate Rose Hair Mask was amazing. My hair was so soft after the I used it. I loved how easy it was to detangle my hair. THE SMELL? Was to die for. If I could I would eat my hair that is how good it smelled. I will for sure be repurchasing in the near future.
  • The Jireh Edge Control was my least favorite. I saw the product on many Instagram’s and Vlogs. It really did not lay my edges down. I get better results using the Eco Styler Gel. I am going to use it again and I will see if I like it any better. Will update with pic of styles if I do.

Now on to my RANT. While I was in Houston, I was at a beauty store shopping for products this young woman approached me asked me if I can explain to her somethings about Natural hair. Even though I had to catch a plane that very afternoon, actually in less than an hour. I still took the time to help her. Took the time to guide her. In April it will be three years that I am natural. I have had people help me along the way. My friend Diana was always telling me about products to use as I started to transition. Trust me on this, I have had bad hair days and then I had days where my hair was SLAYED y’all. I came to the realization that we have to help others on this journey. You would be surprised how people do not want to help other woman. For an example, a couple of months back  I belonged to this Facebook group about woman empowerment. This one woman posted a pic about natural hair. So other woman were commenting and saying it was a great hair style and how they loved it, while also posting pictures of there natural hair. So this one woman posted a picture where she asked for help with her hair. Her hair was extremely short and breaking off. Not one person gave her advice but me. As woman who are natural we have to help others on this journey and yes it is a journey. Especially coming from an era where it’s common to spend money on bundles of hair instead of investing time into your own hair. Take the time and help someone on there journey. I have had quite a lot of woman ask me things about hair. Every person who asked me I gave them either resources or gave them the knowledge of what I knew. When I am in the mood to look at hair techniques I’m looking for hours, I’m researching products, blogs, vlogs and YouTube like crazy.

My Final Thoughts:

I am gaining knowledge about my hair and its empowering to me. My natural is empowering to me. Somedays I hate doing my hair and other days I am blessed that my hair is healthy and that I have the funds to take care of my hair. Invest time in your hair. Invest the time for yourself. 

1.Products from Pampered & Twisted! Here is the website just in case you gals wants to check it out.
2. This is what my hair looks like with the Chocolate Hair Mask in. My hair is so super soft and the curls are defined. 

3. I always wanted to do one of these things. So I did. Check out my Instagram Ebony_Monaes_Thoughts. I show you how I achieved this look. Can anyone tell me my hair type? I feel like its a bit of everything. My colorist doesn’t like to go by that. He says curls are curls. I am just curious is all.    

5. These photos are me with my protective braids. Those edges are slicked babyyy lol.(this pic below and above I used the Eco Styler).

6.Last but not least this photo is my hair blown out and flat ironed. I love and hate my hair in this state. I hate the maintenance of it. Bumping the ends in the morning. The upkeep is not worth it to me.

One thing I want a reader to get out of this post is to love your hair and to help someone else on there natural hair journey.  Love this journey your on. Like I wrote above its empowering. 

Happily Natural<3

Ebony Monae<3



Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Confidence In Yourself, December, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love Life, love Yourself, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, True Potential, Uncategorized, Words of Wisdom

Never Settle 

Lord please never let me settle for anything in my life. Give me the strength and courage to follow my dreams and goals. You know my true potential  so I ask that you push me towards it. In 2016 I want to do so many things. Help transform so many lives. I know I can’t do that if I don’t leave my comfort zone. I’m making a pledge to myself to never settle with anything in my life. Always strive for more. If I don’t I will always be wondering.

To the person that is reading this never settle for anything in your life. “If you want more then get more”. Life is to short not to achieve your goals in life. Love yourself. Love your journey. Love life. Never give up. 

Xoxo EbonyMonae Xoxo


Always remember to push towards your true potential.