Be Happy, be inspired, Black Women, Blogger, Daily Affirmations, Follow Your Heart, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, Life, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Relationship Advice, Relationship Goals, Romance

It’s Valentines Day Peeps 

This post is for the people that have a good girl and guy but treat them like shit. I’m going to give you some heartfelt advice. If you know your not doing right by then LEAVE THEM ALONE!! 

I’m tired of seeing good people getting there hearts broken by no good people. 

People like that are just plain ol’selfish to me. You know that your not in a good head place to date someone but you still want to. That to me is SELFISH!!

If you know want to play the field still don’t get into a relationship. If you know you don’t have the heart to love someone other than yourself don’t get into a relationship. If you know your a gold digger don’t get into a relationship. If you know your not in love with them walk away nothing hurts more than false hopes. 

Let those good people go find someone that can truly love them and treat them the way they should be treated because you know they deserve it. Be the bigger person and walk away before you destroy them and the next person has to pay for your mistakes. 

To the true lovers of the world I wish you nothing but bliss. Have a wonderful love filled day. To the selfish lovers of the world have a heart and let them GO!!!



be inspired, Food for thought, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Love, Relationship Advice, Relationship Goals, Romance, Valentines Day

Self-Love & Relationships

Happy February!!

Its been a long time no write (it was funny when I thought about it in my head) now it sounds corny but you know what? I am a corn ball so I’m going to leave it right up there.

Happy Feburaryyyyyyyyyy again. I can’t believe its the second month of 2017. With that being said I want to introduce something for the next 14 days I will doing. I will be dishing out some advice on self-love and relationships. Why? Because we get so caught up in relationship we forget about ourself’s.

Relationships are not easy. They are hard work.  I will be giving some advice I have on relationships and some of the things I would have done/have not done in my relationships and wish I did. If you need advice or would like me to speak on a matter don’t hesitate to email me

Now that its February people will begin to feel down because they are single for the month of LOVE but you know what fuck that(sorry for the language) We get so caught up in wanting to have a relationship that we forget that its okay to be single. BE SINGLE trust me its not the end of the world.

As the month begins don’t get all caught up in wanting to be in a relationship, BE IN RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR SELF!!


Action Film, be inspired, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Faith, Inner Strength, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle blogger, Love, Quotes


Good Morning. I hope your Monday is off to an amazing start. 

Ohh before I begin. Let’s celebrate Indigenous People Day!! 

Today I want you to choose grace. I want you to choose kindness and love. Life is hard and people are cruel but we don’t have to be like others. We can choose Grace like god gives us Grace. So choose GRACE💖

✨Ebony Monae✨


She has fire in her soul 


Grace in her Heart💖

Love, Relationship Goals, Romance, Uncategorized

Matters of the Heart

Morning Loves. Happy Tuesday.

So James Arthur who is one of my favorite, favorite artist of all time released a song last Friday. Let me tell you its amazing. I have been following James for a while now. He’s a truly gifted artist. He sings with such emotion it gives me chills. His songs are beautifully written by him and guys let me tell you I am in love. Absolutely in freaking love. Okay I’m done fangirling for now.

It’s been awhile since I have posted a song I like. All I ask is take a moment to listen to this song and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

For the love birds out there I hope it makes you think of someone special in your life.  Enjoy.


As always Be Amazing, Be Beautiful and Be Vibrant💜

Ebony Monae💜


“I’m so in love with you,  I hope you know.”

Black Girl, Black Women, Blogger Chick, Dreams, Faith, Follow Your Heart, I Love You, Life, lifestyle blogger, Love, Purpose, Sisters, Woman Encouragement, Words of Wisdom

Happy Birthday Beautiful💜

Miss Honesty Rose🌹

Honesty you mean so much to me. The love I have for you transcends time. I can’t even put it in to words. I love you with every fiber of my being. So this this letter is for you to look back on when life gets hard and when I’m no longer around. 

Dear Honesty,

 I love  you very much. Seeing you the first few hours you were born into this world I knew in my 💜 you were going to be something great. You were so tiny when I first laid eyes on you but you were a strong little thing. A fighter. You were born five weeks early but that didn’t stop you. It has been an honor to watch you grow, laugh, and learn. Remember to keep God close to your heart. He will always be there for you. You are his greatest creation never forget that. 

Honesty as you get older you will learn that life will knock you down. You will see friends come and go. You will have boys break your heart. In life there will be dark moments but  there will always be beautiful moments. These moments are what we live for. These moments are what makes life worth living. 

Honesty you will make mistakes in your life. If you didn’t you would not be living life. To truly grow and mature you have to learn from these mistakes. Remember a mistake is something you do once or twice, if it becomes more it is not a mistake it is an habit. Acknowledging ones mistakes also makes them the bigger person. With that being said don’t forget to say sorry when you are wrong. 

Don’t look back and regret life my love. Enjoy it, LIVE IT. Do whatever you want to do with your life. Baby girl don’t let anyone ever tell you the sky is the limit because there are footprints on the moon. Shoot for the moon and stars. Grab life by the horns and keep on pushing. If you fall remember I will always be there to help you stand up again. I will always be here to guide you. 

Life has a way of changing at a drop of a dime Honesty but remember when it does go with the changes, I know its easier to hang on to the past but embrace the change. God knows the plan he has for your life. 

Always follow your heart because it can lead you on amazing journeys. I can not wait to see what God has in store for you. I love you so very much. Don’t ever forget that💜 

Love Always and Forever, 


Happy First Birthday Honesty Rose💜

Helping others, lifestyle, Love, love Yourself, Relationship Advice, Romance

You Can’t Buy Love

Inspiration Tuesday!!!

My friend put me on to the song “You Can Buy Everything” by singer Somo. While singing this song I was actually listenting to the lyrics. They lyrics made me think about a time in my life where I tried to buy someones love. I was nineteen. I really liked this guy and I would literally pay for everything from movies, dinner to even buying him a $300 pair of sneakers. As the relationship drew to a close I came to the realization that love can not be bought. I also realized that love has no monetary value. That a person would have to earn my love.

“You can buy everything”

“But you can’t, you can’t buy love.”

How many people try to buy love? I know a person that spends all his money on trying to keep a girlfriend. Let me tell you what I tell him; LET HER GO!! You can not buy a persons love. If that person wants to be with you they will stay. What happens when you no longer have the funds? They will leave you. Now you will heartbroken and broke. I would rather be broke and happy than be used. To anybody thats reading this post. Love is a precious thing. If that person cannot love you if you are not spending money on them they you need to let that person go. Love yourself more! 

Find you a person that is with you when you don’t have nothing. Those are the type of people you need to be in a relationship with.

Much Love,

Ebony Monae<3


Below is the song by Somo. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Love, Quotes, Relationship Advice, Romance

Love Again💜

Please don’t give up on love. Don’t give up on your happy ending. We all go through relationships that are painful. Look at that failed relationship as a learning experience and learn from it. 

Hunny relationships will fail, you will get hurt, and you will most likely hate love and give up on it. I’m telling you not to. Take your time to heal and grow but know that if it’s true love and meant to be it will be

Give someone a chance to show you all the things you deserve. Life is short to go through it with out love. 

Loving Again, 

Ebony Monae💜💜 


Have the courage to trust LOVE one more time💜

Be Happy, Beautiful, Black Women, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Life, lifestyle, Love, Relationship Advice

Single and OKAY With It! 

Happy 🐫 Day! 

Today lets talk about being single. Have you ever told someone that your single and they give you the look like what’s wrong with you? Or the look of pity.  Honestly I hate those freaking looks. I also hate the “let’s set you up with someone” line. I think that is so rude. Your basically telling me that there is something wrong with being single. I understand your heart might be in the right place. There is this stigma around being single. Oh wait there’s more being a “black woman” and single is the worst. I swear black men look at me like I am crazy or something. It’s like have a sign on my forward saying “she’s black and single she must be crazy”. That’s not even the case. 

Bottoms line there is nothing wrong with be single. There is nothing wrong with be one with yourself. Being in a relationship requires a lot of time and energy. Don’t be in a relationship if your not ready. 

I am okay with being single. Don’t get me wrong it bothers me when I am the fifth wheel when I go out with my friends (two of my friends are married). It bothers me not having that person waiting on the other end to cheer you up after a long day at work. It bothers me when I have no date to the movies so I go alone. Noticed I stated it “bothers me”. It’s not the end of the world. I will be okay. Why? Because I know God has an amazing man set aside for me. I trust that when the time is right God will reveal him to me. 

Being single is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. Take this time to know what you want. Take this time to work on yourself. Take this time to discover new things. Take this time to be happy! Again there is nothing wrong with being single! 

Happily Single, 

Ebony Monae 💘 


Being single is not a status but a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life WITHOUT depending on others💕

Confidence In Yourself, Extreme Sadness, Faith, Inner Strength, Life, Lost Girl, Love, Love Life, Love Your Hair, love Yourself, Monday, Monday Motivation, Natural Hair, Purpose, Strong, Woman Encouragement, Words of Wisdom

Extremely Saddened😔

This breaks my heart to see this. I don’t know what made her do something like this to herself. My heart goes out to any woman or man that can’t not accept the skin they are in. Trust me I was there. 

I know what it’s like to hate the skin color your in. I used to be bullied for being dark skinned. Thinking of it now is bringing me to tears. Kids were mean and cruel. I remember using cream lightners on my skin. Especially in my cheeks areas. Before my mother caught on  to what I was doing, I was two different skin tones. This resulting me to be made fun of again.  

It’s so important to uplift people. Words of kindness will go farther than words of cruelty. I wish someone told me I was beautiful when I was going through this I my life. At such a young age I was lost and confused. I hated my skin color. I hated my hair. I hated myself. 

Now that I’m older and I look back on that time in my life. I am thankfully that I took a journey of self discovery. I’m thankful that I learned to love the skin I’m in. I never understood why God puts you situations until now. I learned from them. I believe my journey was to help others. I had to go through the the pain and self hate to help and understand what others are going through. Now I don’t know if that’s what Lil Kim is going through. I can only guess as to her drastic changes. 

Final thoughts, love who you are. Take a journey within yourself. Don’t let other people’s words of hate make you see yourself differently. God designed you with love. Your skin, your hair or what you don’t like about yourself does not define who you are! I have learned that the most beautiful people can be the ugliest. What’s on the inside will always matter. 

Made in Gods Image, 

Ebony Monae 


Take a journey of self discovery it will change you!

After College, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Christianity, Christians, Confess, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Dream Big, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Feminist, Fit and Fabolous, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Lost Girl, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Natural Girls, Natural Hair, Natural Hair Blogger, Needs Direction, Purpose, Quarter Life Crisis, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Spring Cleaning, Strong, Take a Leap, True Colors

Trust Your Journey! 

Happy Friday Loves💜! 

It’s Friday! Finally I can unwind and relax. NOT! Busy weekend coming up! Enough about me. How is everyone doing? I hope you had an amazing week. I hope you did all the things you wanted to do. I hope you stuck to you healthy eating plan. I hoped you walked away from people that hurt you. I hope you stood up for yourself. If not there is always tomorrow OR right now. Remember life is too short to waste on tomorrow’s. Right now in this moment claim your life back. 

My message to you on this Friday is don’t give up. Life will confuse you. Life will knock you down. Keep on fighting the good fight. Whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP! I believe that anything you put your mind to you can achieve. 

Last week I applied to take the civil service test for child protective services in my county. I actually take it a month away. Then on Wednesday I received an email for a per Diem job opportunity working with foster children. God is amazing! A couple of months ago I was  lost with my life. No plan, no direction. Now I have a job opportunity. Maybe I will like it. Maybe I won’t. But I will say that I’m going to try it. I don’t want to sit back and let opportunities pass me by.   

Life is all about learning and growing. I am learning about me. I told you guys in previous post for too long I have put so many people before me. Now I will put myself first💜! 

My message to you is to trust in Gods promise. He has a plan for your life. He will not lead you astray. I’m a testament to that. So trust in your journey. Yea, you may feel lost and yea you may feel alone, but know this you are not alone because I too have been in that place your in at this moment. I know that if you don’t give up amazing things will happen in your life. 

Blessed and Highly Favored, 

Ebony Monae! 
