Be Happy, be inspired, Black Women, Blogger, Daily Affirmations, Follow Your Heart, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, Life, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Relationship Advice, Relationship Goals, Romance

It’s Valentines Day Peeps 

This post is for the people that have a good girl and guy but treat them like shit. I’m going to give you some heartfelt advice. If you know your not doing right by then LEAVE THEM ALONE!! 

I’m tired of seeing good people getting there hearts broken by no good people. 

People like that are just plain ol’selfish to me. You know that your not in a good head place to date someone but you still want to. That to me is SELFISH!!

If you know want to play the field still don’t get into a relationship. If you know you don’t have the heart to love someone other than yourself don’t get into a relationship. If you know your a gold digger don’t get into a relationship. If you know your not in love with them walk away nothing hurts more than false hopes. 

Let those good people go find someone that can truly love them and treat them the way they should be treated because you know they deserve it. Be the bigger person and walk away before you destroy them and the next person has to pay for your mistakes. 

To the true lovers of the world I wish you nothing but bliss. Have a wonderful love filled day. To the selfish lovers of the world have a heart and let them GO!!!



Be Happy, be inspired, Blogger, Follow Your Heart, Have Courage, Heartbreak, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, Life, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Quotes, Relationship Advice

It’s Okay to Walk Away 

Morning sunshines. 

Happy Tuesday!! 

Have a positive day. 
It’s no shame in walking away. You did this for yourself. Don’t let anyone let you feel bad about your choice to walk away. Be proud of yourself. No one deserves to stay in a relationship of any kind where they are unhappy. Stand strong in your decision and for once choose yourself💜



Remember lifes to short to be unhappy. 

be inspired, Blogger, Relationship Advice, Uncategorized


Morning Loves. Happy Saturday. I hope that you have an amazing day. I hope you are feeling yourself today.

A  friend of mines is going through some relationship troubles right now. She asked me to write about it for her on my post for today because she felt that I gave her some good advice. Throughout her whole spiel. The main thing that stuck out from what she was telling me  was that he did not respect her because if he did he would show it.

I can tend to be a little blunt when I am giving friends relationship advice. I am this way because I don’t want to sugar coat anything. I feel like people pacify these things.  You need to be direct and you need to be honest.

RESPECT!! You deserve it.

If they don’t respect you. LEAVE!! If they don’t respect you relationship LEAVE!!

“I can’t control your behavior; nor do I want that burden… but I will not apologize for refusing to be disrespected, to be lied to, or to be mistreated. I have standards; step up or step out.”

-Steve Maraboli

One thing I learned is that if you don’t have respect for yourself no one will!!

Demand Respect in your relationship.

Same thing goes for the people that don’t treat your love one with respect. YOU  NEED TO END IT.



Respect yourself if you don’t know one else will. 

Be Happy, be inspired, Blogger, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Relationship Advice, Relationship Goals, Uncategorized

Lets talk about FEELINGS!!

DAY 2 Topic Feelings!!


One of the things I regret in my previous relationships is not talking about my feelings. Telling them how I felt. I am the type that keeps things inside. Never opening up.  I would keep everything inside.

COMMUNICATION IS KEY PEOPLE!! Open up. If you not happy LET THEM KNOW.  If your upset LET THEM KNOW. If you sad LET THEM KNOW. Tell them how you feel.

Finally, the feelings that you both have should be equal as well as the effort in the relationship should be equal.

If you have anything you want to talk about don’t hesitate to email me at

As always Be Inspired to live a life you LOVE<3



be inspired, Food for thought, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Love, Relationship Advice, Relationship Goals, Romance, Valentines Day

Self-Love & Relationships

Happy February!!

Its been a long time no write (it was funny when I thought about it in my head) now it sounds corny but you know what? I am a corn ball so I’m going to leave it right up there.

Happy Feburaryyyyyyyyyy again. I can’t believe its the second month of 2017. With that being said I want to introduce something for the next 14 days I will doing. I will be dishing out some advice on self-love and relationships. Why? Because we get so caught up in relationship we forget about ourself’s.

Relationships are not easy. They are hard work.  I will be giving some advice I have on relationships and some of the things I would have done/have not done in my relationships and wish I did. If you need advice or would like me to speak on a matter don’t hesitate to email me

Now that its February people will begin to feel down because they are single for the month of LOVE but you know what fuck that(sorry for the language) We get so caught up in wanting to have a relationship that we forget that its okay to be single. BE SINGLE trust me its not the end of the world.

As the month begins don’t get all caught up in wanting to be in a relationship, BE IN RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR SELF!!


lifestyle blogger, love Yourself, Relationship Advice, Relationship Goals, Transformation Tuesday

Know Your Worth Ladies

Good Morning. It’s leave your no good man Tuesday(that should be a hashtag, I’m just saying). I hope my post finds you in a great spirit this morning💜

Ladies, I’m going to give it to you straight. We have to value ourselves. Love ourselves!  I have been hearing stories from woman whose men treat them like crap. It gets me pissed off. I’m like your to great of a catch to be cheated on, or going through physical/verbal abuse. 

Some woman don’t want to leave because they think that it’s normal. THAT IS NOT A NORMAL RELATIONSHIP!! 

No man has the right to belittle you. Know your self worth. Sometimes we get in relationships and we get so wrapped up in him. It could be his charm, money, and looks. Ask yourself is that worth it? Money? Looks? Charm? Is that worth him treating you the way he does? 

My point is love yourself enough to walk away. Love yourself enough to know that you don’t deserve whatever he is dishing out. Trust me I have been there. I was in your shoes. I thought if I loved him a little harder he would change. In the end he didn’t. I finally saw him for what he truly was a man that was not ready for a woman like me. 


one of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what was hurting your heart and soul. 



Be brave💜 

Love, Quotes, Relationship Advice, Romance

Love Again💜

Please don’t give up on love. Don’t give up on your happy ending. We all go through relationships that are painful. Look at that failed relationship as a learning experience and learn from it. 

Hunny relationships will fail, you will get hurt, and you will most likely hate love and give up on it. I’m telling you not to. Take your time to heal and grow but know that if it’s true love and meant to be it will be

Give someone a chance to show you all the things you deserve. Life is short to go through it with out love. 

Loving Again, 

Ebony Monae💜💜 


Have the courage to trust LOVE one more time💜

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Know Your Worth!


 Hunny have respect for yourself. LOVE yourself. Do not let anyone put you down, make you feel worthless. You are beautiful! You are amazing! You are NOT what they said you are! The basis for all relationships is RESPECT. 

Lauren Hill, she is just a beautiful soul. Take her words to heart. If she/he doesn’t respect you, then they don’t DESERVE you! I can attest to this. I been through it. I let them do that to me. In the end I learned myself worth. I learned that,  NO you will not speak to me that way. NO you will not put me down, make me feel inferior. The day I said NO I started living for ME! 

Furthermore do not go by what you see on TV. Nowadays you see these woman on these reality shows that let these men make them look like a fool. They have no respect for there relationships or the woman they are dating. Do Not be taken for a fool for any man/women that do not know how to be in a healthy and stable relationship! It’s not cute or healthy to be treated like that. Know Your Worth! 

Lastly, it’s okay to be alone. Don’t be afraid of being alone. There is beauty in growing and learning about yourself. Don’t be disrespected. Don’t stand for that. I understand it’s not easy to walk a way, but understand this there is beauty in walking away! 

Giving it to you Straight, 


Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Best Friends, BWWM, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, I Love You, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Relationship Advice, Romance, WMBW, Words of Wisdom

Late Night Lovers Advice 

This is what every girl should want in a boyfriend or husband or vice versus in a girlfriend or wife. Just listening to that persons heartbeat as it puts you to sleep, feeling loved and cherished in someone’s arms. 

If your relationship doesn’t have this than hunny your selling yourself short. It’s the small moments like this that we fall in love with that person more. Some my might say sex is the most intimate; to me it’s the stolen moments like this that are the most intimate  and beautiful. You feel like you have become one with that person. It’s just you guys in your own little world💜

Cuddling with my Teddy🐻 



Don’t sell yourself short in any relationship! If they don’t see what an amazing person your are then cut them loose. More 🐟 in the sea😍