Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Confidence In Yourself, December, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love Life, love Yourself, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, True Potential, Uncategorized, Words of Wisdom

Never Settle 

Lord please never let me settle for anything in my life. Give me the strength and courage to follow my dreams and goals. You know my true potential  so I ask that you push me towards it. In 2016 I want to do so many things. Help transform so many lives. I know I can’t do that if I don’t leave my comfort zone. I’m making a pledge to myself to never settle with anything in my life. Always strive for more. If I don’t I will always be wondering.

To the person that is reading this never settle for anything in your life. “If you want more then get more”. Life is to short not to achieve your goals in life. Love yourself. Love your journey. Love life. Never give up. 

Xoxo EbonyMonae Xoxo


Always remember to push towards your true potential. 

Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Blessed, Food for thought, Inner Strength, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Quotes, Words of Wisdom

Back in Action 

Hey guys sorry been MIA for a month or so it’s been one hell of an semester. On this month hiatus I had some many things happen. Felt so many emotions that I wanted to write about but I couldn’t write about due to my thesis kicking my ass. And in all honesty I didn’t know what to write. That’s a first for me words always come easier when in written form then vocally. 

Well one of my fellow bloggers asked me if I was okay due to not seeing a post for sometime. I basically told her I have nothing to say because I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to put my feelings and thoughts into words. She told me to find a quote that comes close to describing what I am feeling and write a little peice on it. I seriously told her “who wants to read what I have to say”. Basically she told me you would be surprised whose going through the same things as you are and my words of encouragement would mean a lot to them. That made me think about why I started my blog in the first place to write about life; the struggles and beauty of it. To love myself and to show others that we all have insecurities and no one is perfect. 

So guys for the next two weeks I will give you a quote a day and how it applies to my life. I really hope my words reach you and help you in some sort of way! 

Much Much Love 



Thank you to that follower of mine who didn’t want to be named! Your words of encouragement meant a lot to me💗! 

Be Awesome, Be Happy, Black Girl, Confidence In Yourself, December, Enjoying Yourself, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, love Yourself

It’s December ☃❄️🎅🏾

Guys I am three days  late but HAPPY DECEMBER 🎅🏾. I love the month of December, it’s a time to really be thankful for all you have and the people in your life. I know we should be thankful everyday for these things but I feel like this month really makes you aware of all your thankful for. 

It’s almost the end of the year. Let’s makes it a wonderful month. Let’s do the things we have been promising ourselves to do but haven’t done it yet. Let’s ask that guy/girl you have been eyeing on a date. Let’s stick to our diets and end the year strong. Let go of the fear and have courage to do these things fear had held us back from doing. 

xoxo EbonyMonae 💜💜


Enjoy this month make it the best! Let’s  go out with a bang!