be inspired, Blessed, Daily Affirmations, December, Faith, Forgiveness, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, Quotes



I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. 

It’s the last week of the year. As you know this month has been about self-care for me. This week I’m practicing forgiveness. I’m forgiving others so my spirit can be at peace. 

Over the last week I have been spending more time with my family since my aunt is visiting from North Carolina. What stood out to me the most was seeing my mom bring up things from almost twenty years ago. I had to tell my mom to let it go. Your blaming my aunt for something she had no control over. Let it go. Forgive my grandmother for what happened and move on. That hurt and pain you have been carrying for way too long. Give your heart peace. 

 For all those who hurt me and wronged me I forgive you. I wish you nothing but the best in life. 

This week I want to inspire  you to forgive those who have wronged you and move on with your life. Leave the pain and the hurt in 2016. Walk into 2017 with forgiveness in your heart. 




forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook for there actions, but freeing ourselves of negative energies that bind us to them.  

After College, be inspired, Black Women, Blogger, December, Faith, Helping others, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger

Millennial with a Budget!

Good Morning. Happy Tuesday. 

All month long is self care month for me. Taking care of yourself is essential. Follow my Instagram be_inspired_by_ebony for daily posts. I may not post up here everyday but I’m always on IG with quotes and life skills. 

Continuing on with self care month. I’m working on creating a budget and spending within my means. I have noticed that my spending is getting way out of control. I used the Mint App to really help me understand my spending. For this month I have sat down and planned all my bills in my planner. With the holiday season upon I us I want to be extra careful of my spending now to make sure I get gifts for my familia. 

My top points on budgeting is as follows:

1.Arrange all your bills for the month. If you have a planner. (I also right my payday down as well.It’s helpful for me.) Ex:

2.One thing that helps me is when I get paid I try to write down everything that needs to get paid so I know how much I have left to spend on things I need. I also have a savings account set up where it automatically takes out funds as well. Right now it’s $20 every week (judge free zone guys cuz it is way better than what I was putting before, which was nothing.) Ex:

3. Next thing I try to do is watch what I’m spending my money on. I have to ask myself “Ebony do you need this?”Or “is this worth the price?” Personally I’m a sucker for hair care products and shoes. I have to remind myself that if I don’t need it, I shouldn’t get it. 

Some facts to consider:

  • 69% of American have less than $1,000 in savings. 
  • 34% have no savings. 
  • Milleninals are spending more than they make (living above there means). 
  • 74% of milleninals have less than $1,000 in there savings. 
  • 31% have zero. 
  • Ideally you would want six months worth of living expenses saved up. 

This website contains more information. It’s where I got my sources from.

My goal is to be mindful of my spending and to have money for a rainy day. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how to save please comment and let me know. I would love to hear. 

Stay Blessed, 


A budget is telling your money where to go, instead of wondering where it went. 

                            -Dave Ramsey

Be Happy, be inspired, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Daily Affirmations, December, Enjoying Yourself, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Inspirational blogger, Life, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, love Yourself, Quotes

Happy December!!

I can’t believe this year has flew past so quickly. I can tell you that I have deff been slacking off with my blogging last month and I’m so sorry about that. I had my hands full with everything. I have some great things planned for next year I will say.  I hope all my readers are doing amazing. 

The inspiration for this month is to do something you promised yourself that you were going to do all year long and you didn’t. It could be simple as read two books or more daring like go on a date. Do this for yourself you won’t be sorry I promise. 

I can tell you that I am working on self-care and financial health for this month. Most likely it will be in my New Years resolution as well. Those are the main things I feel I need to work on. Now self-care for me includes everything from healthy eating, staying with my facial routine, attending my therapy appointments and doing the things I love. What’s yours? 

This month I really want you guys to do something you didn’t do this year that you promised yourself. Leave a comment on this post I would love to hear about it. 

Ebony Monae💗


“Make yourself a priority once in awhile. It’s not selfish. It’s necessary.”  

Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Confidence In Yourself, December, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love Life, love Yourself, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, True Potential, Uncategorized, Words of Wisdom

Never Settle 

Lord please never let me settle for anything in my life. Give me the strength and courage to follow my dreams and goals. You know my true potential  so I ask that you push me towards it. In 2016 I want to do so many things. Help transform so many lives. I know I can’t do that if I don’t leave my comfort zone. I’m making a pledge to myself to never settle with anything in my life. Always strive for more. If I don’t I will always be wondering.

To the person that is reading this never settle for anything in your life. “If you want more then get more”. Life is to short not to achieve your goals in life. Love yourself. Love your journey. Love life. Never give up. 

Xoxo EbonyMonae Xoxo


Always remember to push towards your true potential. 

Be Awesome, Be Happy, Black Girl, Confidence In Yourself, December, Enjoying Yourself, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, love Yourself

It’s December ☃❄️🎅🏾

Guys I am three days  late but HAPPY DECEMBER 🎅🏾. I love the month of December, it’s a time to really be thankful for all you have and the people in your life. I know we should be thankful everyday for these things but I feel like this month really makes you aware of all your thankful for. 

It’s almost the end of the year. Let’s makes it a wonderful month. Let’s do the things we have been promising ourselves to do but haven’t done it yet. Let’s ask that guy/girl you have been eyeing on a date. Let’s stick to our diets and end the year strong. Let go of the fear and have courage to do these things fear had held us back from doing. 

xoxo EbonyMonae 💜💜


Enjoy this month make it the best! Let’s  go out with a bang!