Be Happy, Faith, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Friday, Have Courage, Inner Strength


Take a journey of change. Grow and learn about yourself. Learn what you like and what you don’t like. 

It’s scary facing the unknown but it’s better than facing a life full of “what if’s”. Change yourself for betterment of you💜. 

Embracing Metanoia, 

Ebony Monae 


Embrace the journey💗

Be Happy, Beautiful, Life, lifestyle, Love Life

Life Is Beautiful! 

Today I learned that one of my former residents passed away. She was only 26 years old. She left behind a young son. Despite what was going on in her life she was extremely upbeat and always kept you smiling. 

I got in this this feild to make an impact on there life, but in the end they made an impact on my life. Thank you for teaching me it’s okay to smile and be happy despite what’s going in my life. Thank you for teaching me that I can always strive to be better than I who I was yesterday. 

You will be forever be missed. Your personality was so big that everyone knew when you walked in the room. May god continue to watch over your son and your family. 

When my residents leave from my job I don’t think of them dying. I’m just  wishing that they leave better then when they arrived. That I impacted there life as much as they did mines. Death shows a person that life is beautiful. That life is also short! 

Saddened by Loss, 

Ebony Monae 


Life is beautiful, live it before it’s gone💖

Beautiful, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Confidence In Yourself, Inner Strength, lifestyle, Low Self-Esteem

We Are Perfectly, Imperfect! 

No one knows what we go through as we struggle with our insecurities. It’s extremely hard. You dress a certain way. You do this. You  do that. Just so no one belittles you. People are cruel in this world. They will hurt you. No one has compassion anymore. 

When people see that your changing or that your different they want to say things like; “You are stuck up!” “You think your better than everybody!” You know what?  “We are not stuck up. “We do not think we are better than anyone”. But you know what we are? “We are strong” “We are SURVIVORS!” This qoute is for all of the people who had to deal with bullying. Who had to deal with people putting your insecurities out in the open for others to laugh at. We worked hard to overcome this. 

I’m so proud of you for coming so far. It’s hard work but you did it. You overcame the ridicule. You overcame the laughs. Your standing tall. Screw what they said about you. You know why? Because your BEAUTIFUL inside and out.  

I whole heartedly believe God made you for his divine purpose. God gives us pain disguised as lessons. What your going through now or been through was to help others. Love who you are because you are a SURVIVOR💜

Overcoming My Insecurities, 

Ebony Monae 


You are Perfectly, Imperfect💖.  


Are You Living YOUR Life⁉️

So I am reading this book and a scene in the book brought me to tears. One of the characters in the book brother was gay. His father wouldn’t accept him as a gay man. So he lived his life to please his father and in the end he couldn’t take it, he committed suicide. That scene bothered me. I just started to cry. I didn’t know why either. I read emotional scenes in books before, but for some reason this scene really stuck with me. I knew that I had to do some deep thinking on this one because I couldn’t stop crying. After I reflected on it. I figured out why this scene bothered me. 

I too have lived my life to make other people happy. Who hasn’t? In life you deal with things and forget about it. Today my unconscious mind was telling me something different. 

Growing up I always wanted make others proud of me. Having people disappointed in me is my greatest fear.  My mother wanted me to be a nurse so I started pursuing that. For seven years of my life I worked in a nursing home. The first few years were great towards the end I was so unhappy. Yet I stayed because my mother like me to do it and the the guy I was dating at the time thought it was a good source of income. It didn’t matter that I was unhappy or miserable. They were happy so I internalized there happiness for my own, even when I hated working there. 

I had to go through depression to understand that I was never living my life for me. I was living my life for others. That’s what this scene in the book made me remember; a time in my life I tried to forget. Some memories are painful but they are also lessons. My lesson was to live my life for ME!
We only get one go at this life. Do not live it for anyone else but yourself. I know you may feel scared, but twenty years from now when you look back will you be happy you did this or miserable because you didn’t? 

Learned that it’s okay to say No, 

Ebony Monae💖


“What good are wings without the courage to fly”.    Atticus 

Beautiful, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Quotes, Transformation Tuesday

You Are Extraordinary💖 

My beautiful sisters. You are EXTRAORDINARY! We are more than our looks. What you have in the inside matters. Your are Kind! Your are Courageous! You are Strong! Your are Amazing! 

Happy Tuesday my Beautiful Sisters! 

Encouraging People of Today, 

Ebony Monae💖

Confidence In Yourself, Extreme Sadness, Faith, Inner Strength, Life, Lost Girl, Love, Love Life, Love Your Hair, love Yourself, Monday, Monday Motivation, Natural Hair, Purpose, Strong, Woman Encouragement, Words of Wisdom

Extremely Saddened😔

This breaks my heart to see this. I don’t know what made her do something like this to herself. My heart goes out to any woman or man that can’t not accept the skin they are in. Trust me I was there. 

I know what it’s like to hate the skin color your in. I used to be bullied for being dark skinned. Thinking of it now is bringing me to tears. Kids were mean and cruel. I remember using cream lightners on my skin. Especially in my cheeks areas. Before my mother caught on  to what I was doing, I was two different skin tones. This resulting me to be made fun of again.  

It’s so important to uplift people. Words of kindness will go farther than words of cruelty. I wish someone told me I was beautiful when I was going through this I my life. At such a young age I was lost and confused. I hated my skin color. I hated my hair. I hated myself. 

Now that I’m older and I look back on that time in my life. I am thankfully that I took a journey of self discovery. I’m thankful that I learned to love the skin I’m in. I never understood why God puts you situations until now. I learned from them. I believe my journey was to help others. I had to go through the the pain and self hate to help and understand what others are going through. Now I don’t know if that’s what Lil Kim is going through. I can only guess as to her drastic changes. 

Final thoughts, love who you are. Take a journey within yourself. Don’t let other people’s words of hate make you see yourself differently. God designed you with love. Your skin, your hair or what you don’t like about yourself does not define who you are! I have learned that the most beautiful people can be the ugliest. What’s on the inside will always matter. 

Made in Gods Image, 

Ebony Monae 


Take a journey of self discovery it will change you!

After College, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Christianity, Christians, Confess, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Dream Big, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Feminist, Fit and Fabolous, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Lost Girl, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Natural Girls, Natural Hair, Natural Hair Blogger, Needs Direction, Purpose, Quarter Life Crisis, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Spring Cleaning, Strong, Take a Leap, True Colors

Trust Your Journey! 

Happy Friday Loves💜! 

It’s Friday! Finally I can unwind and relax. NOT! Busy weekend coming up! Enough about me. How is everyone doing? I hope you had an amazing week. I hope you did all the things you wanted to do. I hope you stuck to you healthy eating plan. I hoped you walked away from people that hurt you. I hope you stood up for yourself. If not there is always tomorrow OR right now. Remember life is too short to waste on tomorrow’s. Right now in this moment claim your life back. 

My message to you on this Friday is don’t give up. Life will confuse you. Life will knock you down. Keep on fighting the good fight. Whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP! I believe that anything you put your mind to you can achieve. 

Last week I applied to take the civil service test for child protective services in my county. I actually take it a month away. Then on Wednesday I received an email for a per Diem job opportunity working with foster children. God is amazing! A couple of months ago I was  lost with my life. No plan, no direction. Now I have a job opportunity. Maybe I will like it. Maybe I won’t. But I will say that I’m going to try it. I don’t want to sit back and let opportunities pass me by.   

Life is all about learning and growing. I am learning about me. I told you guys in previous post for too long I have put so many people before me. Now I will put myself first💜! 

My message to you is to trust in Gods promise. He has a plan for your life. He will not lead you astray. I’m a testament to that. So trust in your journey. Yea, you may feel lost and yea you may feel alone, but know this you are not alone because I too have been in that place your in at this moment. I know that if you don’t give up amazing things will happen in your life. 

Blessed and Highly Favored, 

Ebony Monae! 



Anger, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Bernie Sanders, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Confess, Confidence In Yourself, Dream Big, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Feminist, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Helping others, Inner Strength, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Natural Hair, Natural Hair Blogger, Political Revolution, Politics, Prejudice, Purpose, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Racism, Strong, Thank You, True Colors, True Potential, Uncategorized

Feeling THE BERN🔥🔥🔥

Tuesday was NY state primary for president and I voted for Bernie Sanders. Why? Simple, because I believe in everything he stands for. He is a man that’s stands for many! He has ideas that can transform this nation. 

Sadly we did not win New York for him, but he is catching up to Hilary Clinton in the polls. He can change our nation. It’s time we ALL took a stand against big money in politics, healthcare, education, climate change, incarceration. Too many people have been quiet for to long. We must stand up and demand these changes. 
Bernie know this I’m with you! I’m with you until you decide you have gave it your all. Like I said on my Instagram post “I’m with you like Cap and Bucky till the end of the line.” (Follow me, ebony_monaes_thoughts) 

People ask me all the time your a woman why not vote for a women. It’s not about gender, it’s about people that are falling through the cracks in our nation. It’s about a nation that’s for everyone not just the 1%, it’s about ALL AMERICANS! Hilary doesn’t stand for everyone. Last week Verizon employees went on strike because 40,000 jobs are be outsourced to India. Did I see Hilary rallying with these Americans that are going to loose there jobs? No! Why because she doesn’t CARE! To know what we ordinary citizens go through you have to speak to us. You have to come down your high horse and see what we face everyday. 

Why I’m voting for Bernie because education and healthcare reform is dear to my heart. I’m a college student that in my junior year I faced a lot of health problems. As I graduate in May, I am coming out of college with a lot of school debt that I’m an struggling to pay back. Why? Because there are not a lot of jobs that can pay me what I need to survive. I cut back on a lot of things just to put money in other areas of my life such as bills. Bills (I hate that word)!!

Bernie Sanders you had my vote and that of many of my friends. We STAND WITH YOU because you are fighting for causes that matter. These causes will affect our children futures. We got to make sure things are done right by them. 

Thank you Bernie Sanders for standing up for the 99%! 

Feeling The Bern, 

Ebony Monae🔥🔥

Vote, we can’t not have bigots like Donald Trump running this Country!! 

African American, Anger, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Confess, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Enjoying Yourself, Extreme Sadness, Feminist, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Frustration, Have Courage, Helping others, I Love You, Inner Strength, Lost Girl, Love, Love Life, Love Your Hair, love Yourself, Natural Hair Blogger, Purpose, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Relationship Advice, Relationship Goals, Romance, Spring Cleaning, Strong, Take a Leap, True Potential, Uncategorized

Know Your Worth!


 Hunny have respect for yourself. LOVE yourself. Do not let anyone put you down, make you feel worthless. You are beautiful! You are amazing! You are NOT what they said you are! The basis for all relationships is RESPECT. 

Lauren Hill, she is just a beautiful soul. Take her words to heart. If she/he doesn’t respect you, then they don’t DESERVE you! I can attest to this. I been through it. I let them do that to me. In the end I learned myself worth. I learned that,  NO you will not speak to me that way. NO you will not put me down, make me feel inferior. The day I said NO I started living for ME! 

Furthermore do not go by what you see on TV. Nowadays you see these woman on these reality shows that let these men make them look like a fool. They have no respect for there relationships or the woman they are dating. Do Not be taken for a fool for any man/women that do not know how to be in a healthy and stable relationship! It’s not cute or healthy to be treated like that. Know Your Worth! 

Lastly, it’s okay to be alone. Don’t be afraid of being alone. There is beauty in growing and learning about yourself. Don’t be disrespected. Don’t stand for that. I understand it’s not easy to walk a way, but understand this there is beauty in walking away! 

Giving it to you Straight, 


African American, April, Be Awesome, Be Happy, Beautiful, Beautiful Words, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Black Girl, Black Women, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Christianity, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Dream Big, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Food for thought, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love Life, Love Your Hair, love Yourself, Natural Girls, Purpose, Quotes, Quotes, Inner Strength, Transformation Tuesday, True Potential

Working on ME💜

I posted this to remind everyone we are a work in PROGRESS!  We are changing everyday. We are fighting battles people no nothing about! I know that I am trying everyday to be a better person than yesterday.! Who can relate? 

To a person that’s struggling this message is for you. Change comes over time. Not in a instant!  If your working at it you will see change. I whole heartedly believe that if you put in the work change will come. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! You are not perfect no one is but if you strive to make a difference in yourself you will see change. I hope this message reaches you and encourages you! 

Much Love, 

Ebony Monae 


Don’t forget we are only human we will make mistakes!