Beautiful Words, Blessed, Blogger, Blogger Chick, Christians, Confidence In Yourself, Daily Affirmations, Dream Big, Dreams, Enjoying Yourself, Faith, Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart, Have Courage, Inner Strength, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Needs Direction, Take a Leap, Transformation Tuesday, True Colors, True Potential, Woman Encouragement, Words of Wisdom

Take The JUMP! 

Good Morning! Happy First Day of March!!(this was suppose to be posted yesterday morning sorry). 

Okay everyone I encourage you to watch this video. You don’t even have to read my words but PLEASE watch this video.

I saw this video below on my Facebook on Valentines Day. This video was moving because that very morning I was speaking with a coworker about how lost I was in my life. Then Steve Harvey speaks of something so life changing.  Just Jump he states! “Don’t let fear keep you from ever taking that jump.” That was me. I was letting the fear of failure keep me back from doing something  great with my life. He went on to say “god gave us each a gift at birth.” I will say that is something I have always struggled with the gift god has given me. I always ask myself what is this gift God gave me? I know God gave me a gift. I came to the realization that when its time he will reveal that gift to me. I also learned that it’s all about patience.

What Steve was speaking about touched my heart. He made me realize that is okay to take that jump.  He went on to explain that when you jump you won’t land on your feet, you will get scars, scrapes AND you will bleed. You just have to remind yourself that do not let fear stop you.

“You can not exist in this life, you have got to try to live.” How moving is that one statement. Living life is one of the hardest things a person can do. Yea we are breathing. We get up and we go to work and then we come home. IS that living life?  NO. We get so caught up in existing, we forget to live. We got to take our gift that God has given us and we have to  JUMP.

My parting words to you. “If you do not Jump, your parachute with never open. You will never know what god really has for you.” 

Taking that Jump,

Ebony Monae<3


Black Girl, Confess, Enjoying Yourself, Food for thought, Heartbreak, Inner Strength, Love, Love Life, love Yourself, Quarter Life Crisis, Uncategorized, Words of Wisdom

Stopped being Alive and started LIVING!!

Hey fellow bloggers, it’s been a long time since I written. I been going through things. And when I go through things I turn to my writing but even that I didn’t want to do because my feelings and emotions were all over the place.

Since I last written I gained a beautiful niece👶🏾and nephew👶🏾. I have had surgery, ended my semester somewhat okay. I got a different position at my job. Life should be going good right? Wrong it’s not. I should not be complaining because through it all I’m still breathing, I have food in my belly and clothes on my back I should be blessed. But deep down inside I am lost.

I am at a cross road in my life and I feel lost and lonely and scared. I am lost because I don’t know what direction to take with my life. Scared because I don’t want to make the wrong choice and end up looking stupid in life. Lonely because when I see my friends and family settling down and starting a family I have no one to do any of that with.

I recently read a book that put what I was feeling into perspective. “Stop being alive and start LIVING” That is what I am doing with my life. I thought life has times when I have to do certain things and they don’t. Its okay to not have those things others have in there lives because everyone is different and god has a different plan for everyone.

Life is all about living and that is what I plan on doing. Stop being afraid to be lonely because someone is out there for me and stop being lost and take one day at time because life has a funny way of showing you things that matter most.

💜💜 Ebony Monae💜💜
To anyone that is feeling this just remember life is supposed to be LIVED. So START LIVING💝💝

Beautiful, Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, Enjoying Yourself, Food for thought, Inner Strength, Love Life, love Yourself, Words of Wisdom

💕Life Is So Precious 💕

Yesterday I got to witness how life can be so precious. My good friend gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen. Looking at him I saw a life that held so many possibilities. A life that had the power to become anyone he chose too. I teared up thinking that I was going to be part of that life and that I could see him become something great. 

Watching him it also made me think how short and  precious life really is.  We as humans get only one life to live to become great and to become anything we shall choose.  No matter how old we are we should live life to the fullest that we can and expunge those that see fit to tear us down and hurt us because if they truly loved us they would remind us how beautiful and wonderful we are everyday. 

As the month of May begins let’s all remember that above and take in account that we have been blessed to begin another month. As May flowers come to full bloom let it remind us that life is beautiful and that we have the potential to be beautiful as well.  

xOxO EbonyMonae xOxO
